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1. 一般信息

Salto Systems, S.L.(“Salto ”)是一家西班牙公司,其公司注册地址位于 C/ Arkotz 9, Polígono Lanbarren, 20180 Oiartzun(西班牙吉普兹科阿省),税务识别号为 B-20.708.517,电话号码为 +34 943 344 550,电子邮件地址为 info@saltosystems.com。

在吉普兹科阿省商业登记处注册,卷 1.850,表 101,第 SS-18.081 页。

2. 应用程序的一般使用条款

2.1. 范围

本协议规定了对于用户(即接受本使用条款的个人)已下载并将在用户的智能手机或平板电脑(均称为“设备”)中使用的,由 SALTO 拥有的应用程序的下载和使用条款和条件(“使用条款”)。本使用条款取代用户之前就相同目的和同一应用程序同意的任何合同或条款。

应用程序”一词指用户在符合本使用条款规定的前提下,在 Apple iOS 和 Android OS 设备上下载供其使用的相关 Salto 软件应用程序,以及任何相关升级。借助该应用程序,用户可(包括但不限于)使用其设备打开配备兼容 Salto 门禁控制系统的场所的门禁(“位置),前提是相应系统的所有人已事先向用户授予对该位置的移动门禁权限(“移动门禁服务”),且该所有人拥有在该位置使用 Salto 软件门禁控制解决方案的有效许可。此类移动门禁服务以及 Salto 可能决定通过应用程序提供的任何其他服务在下文中统称为“服务”。

2.2. 下载应用程序并接受本使用条款



对于每个特定位置,用户通过应用程序使用移动门禁服务(完成下载并接受本使用条款后),将要求该位置的相应 Salto 门禁控制系统的所有人(“系统所有人”)已事先向用户授予移动门禁权限,以在该位置使用移动门禁服务,并完全以此为前提。因此,向用户授予此类移动门禁权限不属于本使用条款的范围,Salto 不因此类门禁权限的授予或取消而向用户承担任何类型的责任。

2.3. 费用


  • 用户为接入相应的电信网络而应支付的接入费用。因此,用户承认,与其各自移动网络提供商签订的协议条款在使用应用程序时将继续适用。因此,移动网络提供商可能会在用户访问应用程序和/或服务时向用户收取在连接期间访问网络接入服务的费用。
  • 系统所有人为使用户能够访问移动门禁服务而应支付的最终费用。

Salto 保留在未来针对应用程序和/或全部或部分服务的下载和/或使用,引入其认为适合的任何对价的权利。在这种情况下,Salto 应提前充分通知用户适用的条款和条件。

2.4. 使用许可

根据本使用条款并在符合本使用条款的前提下,Salto 向用户授予并且用户接受免特许权使用费、个人、非商业、不可转让、可撤销、有限和非排他性的应用程序使用许可,以仅允许用户访问应用程序,以及访问和使用 Salto 决定通过应用程序提供的功能和服务。该许可仅在用户根据第 2.2 条所述的远程信息处理接受机制,接受本使用条款后授予和提供。上述允许的应用程序用途包括完全或部分复制的应用程序,仅用于在设备中使用、下载、执行和展示。

2.5. 对应用程序或服务的未经授权访问

以上授予的许可仅供个人使用,不可转让。用户负责通过其所有设备使用应用程序和/或服务,并有义务确保未经授权的人员无权通过其任何设备访问应用程序和/或服务(例如因安装了应用程序的任何设备丢失或滥用)。用户对任何人在应用程序中使用用户个人资料执行的任何操作承担全部责任,并对于通过其设备滥用或不当使用应用程序和/或服务导致的任何损害,用户应(包括但不限于)向 (i) Salto 及其集团的任何其他公司和/或 (ii) 已向用户授予其位置的移动门禁权限的系统所有人负责。如果用户检测到或怀疑设备丢失、失窃或第三方通过设备滥用应用程序或服务,用户应全权负责通知已向用户授予其位置的移动门禁权限的系统所有人,以便后者可以采取其认为适当的措施(包括但不限于取消相关设备的移动门禁权限)。

2.6. 非许可用途

应用程序的许可用途仅限于上文第 2.4 条所述的用途。用于任何其他不同用途均予以明确禁止,并且应视为违反知识产权和工业产权法规的软件盗版行为。Salto 保留根据适用法律对违反本条款的行为追究责任的权利。
无论哪种目的,用户均无权且承诺不允许第三方 (i) 制作和分发应用程序的副本,(ii) 尝试对应用程序进行拷贝、复制、篡改、操纵、修改、逆向工程、反汇编、反编译、转移、交换或翻译,(iii) 根据应用程序创建任何类型的衍生作品,(iv) 允许任何未经授权的人员访问或使用应用程序或服务,(v) 许可、再许可、销售、转售、转移、分转让、分发或以其他方式商业化利用应用程序,或访问和使用应用程序或服务的权利,(vi) 以任何违法、非法、欺诈性或有害的方式使用应用程序或服务,或涉及或为了开展任何违法、非法、欺诈性或有害目的或活动,或出于侵犯任何第三方权利的任何目的,以及 (vii) 以任何导致或可能导致应用程序或服务受损或影响应用程序或服务的可用性或可访问性的的方式使用应用程序或服务。此外,如果用户是 Salto 或 Salto 集团任何其他公司的竞争对手,或用于监测应用程序或服务的可用性、安全性、性能或功能,或用于任何其他基准测试或

2.7. 知识产权和工业产权

整个应用程序(即组成应用程序的所有元素,包括文本、图像商标、徽标、软件文件、颜色组合等)及其内容的结构选择和顺序,以及底层源代码等,均受知识产权和工业产权法律保护。未经 Salto 明确授权,用户无权利用、复制、分发、修改、公开宣传、转让或转换,亦无权进行任何其他类型的传播。应用程序和上述所有元素(包括源代码)的任何和所有知识产权完全属于 Salto 和/或其许可方。
除第 2.3.2 条中规定的允许的应用程序和服务用途外,用户对应用程序或服务的访问,并不导致向用户授予对应用程序、应用程序内容、服务或底层源代码的任何所有权或任何其他类型的权利。如果用户违反任何知识产权或工业产权,Salto 保留对用户采取任何法律行动的权利。

2.8. 更改和更新

Salto 保留自行酌情决定随时修订或更新应用程序和/或更改服务技术设置的权利,无需用户许可,用户也无权获得任何形式的赔偿。任何此类修订以及与此相关的任何知识产权和工业产权应完全属于 Salto。

2.9. 系统要求

应用程序适用于运行 Apple iOS 或 Android 操作系统的设备。但是,要使用应用程序,用户需要拥有兼容的设备、互联网接入并满足必要的最低规格要求(包括 iOS 和 Android OS 的适当版本)。在下载应用程序之前,用户可通过商店提供的应用程序信息查阅这些规格(“软件要求”)。

2.10. 可用性

Salto 应尽合理地努力使应用程序始终可用,但 Salto 不保证 100% 可用性。
用户承认,应用程序是通过互联网和移动网络提供的,因此应用程序的质量和可用性可能会受到 Salto 合理控制范围之外的因素影响。
此外,用户承认,为了使应用程序和移动门禁服务正常运行,(i) 相关位置的门禁控制系统硬件需要处于理想状况和良好的维修状态,并且 (ii) 该位置的系统所有人应已根据第 2.2 条的规定向用户充分授予对位置的移动门禁权限,这些权限也不受 Salto 的控制。
因此,无论出于哪种目的,除欺诈情况外,如果应用程序或服务不可用、内容下载或访问有任何困难或失效,或有任何其他可能导致应用程序或服务不可用的通信系统故障,和/或由于门禁控制系统硬件的非专用状态或系统所有人未充分授予用户移动门禁权限而导致的服务不可用,Salto 均不承担任何责任。Salto 不对应用程序的任何支持或维护负责。

2.11. 无保证。 

应用程序“按原样”提供,Salto 未就应用程序提供任何类型的保证。在法律允许的最大范围内,Salto 特此排除有关应用程序的所有默示保证。

2.12. 责任限制

在法律允许的情况下且在法律允许的范围内,Salto 不对以下事项负责:

  • 间接性、特殊性、惩罚性、惩戒性或后果性损害或利润损失。
  • 用户因访问、使用和执行应用程序和/或服务而遭受的任何性质的损害或损失(包括但不限于应用程序安装以及因安装而对用户设备造成的任何损害)。
  • 因应用程序或服务不可用而造成的任何性质的损害或损失。
    在任何情况下,Salto 均不对任何无法合理预见的损失或损害负责。本使用条款中的任何内容均不排除或限制 Salto 对因过失、欺诈或欺诈性虚假陈述导致的死亡或人身伤害的责任,或适用法律禁止排除或限制的任何其他责任。

3. 个人数据

3.1 为了通过应用程序使用移动门禁服务,用户需要注册一个帐户。为此,用户需要向 Salto 提供一些个人身份和/或联系数据。Salto 作为控制者,应根据以下 Salto 隐私政策处理此类个人数据。

3.2 此外,用户在一个特定位置使用移动门禁服务,最终也会涉及系统所有人处理用户的个人数据。系统所有人应作为此类个人数据的控制者(或在某些情况下作为处理者),Salto 应仅作为数据处理者(或在某些情况下作为分处理者)处理此类个人数据。在这种情况下,Salto 完全是代表系统所有人并按照其指示处理所提及的个人数据,以便向系统所有人提供相应的门禁控制在线服务和/或技术支持服务。为此,系统所有人和 Salto 应根据适用法律签署数据处理协议。


4. 本使用条款的修订

Salto 保留全部或部分修订本使用条款的权利,以及添加补充本使用条款的新条款和政策的权利。本使用条款的有效版本可在应用程序设置中找到。


5. 期限和终止

本使用条款自用户接受之时起生效(因此具有完全约束力)(须遵守第 2.2 条的规定)。

Salto 有权随时终止通过用户接受本使用条款的方式与用户签订的合同。在这种情况下,根据本使用条款授予的许可应视为被自动撤销和取消。

用户有权随时卸载应用程序,终止通过接受本使用条款的方式与 Salto 签订的合同,而无需向 Salto 发出任何形式的通知。

此外,如果存在技术困难,按照 Salto 的标准,可能会减少 Salto 为应用程序和/或服务的正常运行而采取的安全措施,则 Salto 还保留暂停访问应用程序和/或服务的权利。

6. 其他规定



用户陈述并保证:(i) 其住所不在受美国禁运或被美国视为支持恐怖主义的实体的任何国家/地区;(ii) 用户未被美国列为违禁实体。

如果本使用条款中的任何条款被宣布完全或部分无效或失效,则这种无效或失效不影响剩余条款的有效性或效力,并且剩余条款应保持其效力和效果,但由于上述无效或失效而必须对本使用条款中规定的其他条款进行关键的重大修订的除外。被宣布无效或失效的条款应视为未被包括在内,并应以内容尽可能与 Salto 如果知道该条款缺乏有效性或效力时本应包括的条款相似的新条款代替,或以法律可接受的方式解释。

7. 法律和管辖


7. Limited Warranty and Disclaimer

To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, Salto expressly waives any warranty in the use of the App, specifically but not limiting to the integration of third-party software in the App. 

The App is provided and licensed “as is” and Salto hereby disclaims all other warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quality, performance, reliability or availability, continuance, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, lack of viruses and lack of negligence. 

The aforementioned shall be understood with regards to the App, and the provision of or failure to provide support or other services, information, software and related content through the App or otherwise arising out of the use of the same. 

Notwithstanding the above, Salto warrants that it has adopted all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state-of-the-art, to warrant the functioning of the App and to reduce system failures to a minimum in order to meet the availability set forth in Section 10.

Salto expressly disclaims any warranty with regards to compatibility of the App with the User’s systems, applications, devices, networks and any other software or hardware used by the User, except where Salto has expressly declared their compatibility in writing.

The User is responsible for installation and use of the App. 

8. Liability

8.1 Liability of the User

The User shall be responsible for:

  1. Any acts that contravene the contents of this Agreement, the law, morality, generally accepted customs or social standards, and public order. 
  2. Any damage or loss that may arise from a misuse, negligence or breach by the User in its use of the App, including but not limited to the terms of this Agreement, applicable law and/or any instructions, guidelines or recommendations made by Salto.
  3. Accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the User when accepting and executing this Agreement.
  4. Compliance with the terms of this Agreement, including payment of, if any, the relevant licence fees. 

The User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Salto harmless, including its officers, directors, shareholders, successors, affiliates, employees, agents and representatives, from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, liabilities, expenses, losses, damages, including attorney’s fees, that arise or result from the use of the App by the User. The User also agrees to indemnify Salto for any legal costs incurred by Salto, acting reasonably, in investigating or enforcing its rights under this Agreement.

8.2 Liability of Salto

The User expressly exonerates Salto from any liability derived from any damages caused by any use of the App and/or related hardware not expressly authorised by Salto.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Salto or its supplier(s) of technology or software be liable for any loss, cost or damage, including without limitation indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including any loss of profits or savings, loss of goodwill, business interruption, loss of data, computer failure, damage or malfunction, or for any claim by any party, arising out of the use of, or inability to use the App, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no case shall Salto’s liability, or that of its supplier(s), exceed the amount of fifty (50) euros. The warranty and remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied.

Some countries, states or regions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other damages, so those limitations or exclusions may not apply to all Users. If User’s local applicable law allows the User to claim damages from Salto, even though this Agreement does not, the User cannot recover more than the amount determined hereinabove.

In no event shall Salto exclude its liability in cases of gross negligence, personal injury (including death) or fraudulent misrepresentation derived from any claim or provision of this Agreement or the subject matter of it.

9. Contact

As the User will mainly use our Apps to get physical access to our clients’ premises, any complaints, queries, issues, questions and suggestions related to (i) the App and its integration or usage with any given hardware, or (ii) the access, installation and use of the App, must be directly addressed at the client who will give the User due attention. In the cases it deems necessary the client will escalate the complaint, query, issue, question and/or suggestion to Salto or its local partners and offices.

If you have any queries in relation to the Services or terms of this Agreement, you can contact us through our corporate website. Salto will respond to complaints or inquiries received in the shortest possible time and will endeavour to avoid exceeding a period of thirty (30) days from the moment when the claim or query was filed and received by Salto.

10. Availability

Salto warrants a 99.5% availability of the App per calendar year. Any scheduled maintenance (which Salto will endeavour to notify the User in advance when it hinders the use of the App)  and force majeure events, which may affect totally or partially availability, are excluded from the aforementioned period. 

Salto shall not be obliged to restore the availability described hereinabove when the failures, defects or malfunctions are caused by misuse, negligence or breach of the terms of this Agreement by the User, including any use that contravenes the terms of this Agreement, applicable law and/or instructions, guidelines or recommendations made by Salto or its Partners. Additionally, Salto shall not be obliged to meet the availability in the terms provided herein in case of force majeure events or other external factors affecting availability or functionality of the App.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, nothing in this document may be understood nor construed as an obligation of Salto to provide support to the User, other than what may expressly be described herein.

11. Data protection

The Use of the App implies the processing of certain personal data of the User, as it is described in Salto’s Privacy Policy

12. No waiver

No delay or failure by Salto to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement will constitute a waiver of such right or remedy, Salto shall still be entitled to enforce its rights and remedies under this Agreement in any situation. All waivers must be in writing and signed by an authorised representative of Salto. A waiver of any breach or covenant shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of any other covenant.

13. No Assignment

The User shall not assign, sublicense, delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Salto’s prior written consent.


14. Force Majeure

Except for payment obligations (if any), neither Party shall be liable for any delays or failures in performance due to a force majeure event. A force majeure event shall mean the occurrence of an event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Party invoking this provision, provided that the non-performing Party is without fault in causing or failing to prevent such occurrence. If the force majeure event persists for a period of ninety (90) business days or more, either Party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement without liability to the other Party in respect of such termination.

15. Severability

Should any of the provisions of this Agreement be declared invalid or unenforceable by a Court of competent jurisdiction hereunder, such provisions shall be deemed invalid for the remainder of this Agreement and such declaration shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions. To the extent possible, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to render the provision enforceable in a manner that serves to achieve the purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

16. Headings & Official Language

The headings of this Agreement are merely informative and inserted for convenience and are not intended to be part of or to affect, qualify or encourage the interpretation of this Agreement.

The official language of this Agreement is English. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any other version these Terms of Service could be translated to (for the exclusive purposes of facilitating User’s understanding), the content of the English version shall prevail.


17. Entire Agreement

​​​​​​This Agreement and, if any, the documentation accompanying it contains the entire agreement between Salto and the User with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether oral or written. Any varying or additional terms to the terms of this Agreement and the documentation must be executed and signed by authorised representatives of Salto in order to be binding.


18. Modifications

Salto reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time. In that case, Salto will notify the User at least thirty (30) days in advance prior to the date on which the modified Agreement shall be enforceable. If the User does not agree with the modified Agreement, the User shall not use the App from the date of application thereof. During the period where the modification is notified and the date on which such modifications are enforceable, the User shall be entitled to continue using the App under the unmodified terms. Use of the App by the User on or after the date on which the modified Agreement comes into force shall be deemed as an acceptance of the same and the User shall be bound by its terms.

19. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed and construed under the laws of Spain, unless a mandatory Federal or State consumers regulation provides otherwise. For any matter related to the interpretation or execution of this Agreement, or to the extent necessary to settle any controversy with regards to the same, the User hereby agrees to submit to the sole competence and jurisdiction of the Courts of Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain and waives any other courts which might have jurisdiction over the subject matter, unless the jurisdiction consumer regulation states otherwise or a mandatory jurisdiction.

20. Additional Provisions for Consumers

Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice the statutory or legal rights that the User may have as a consumer accessing and using the Services. 

Some countries, states, provinces or other jurisdictions might not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation of liability, certain stipulations, limitations or any other statement.

Therefore, the stipulations set herein may not fully apply to the User when is considered a Consumer. 

Instead, in such jurisdictions, these stipulations shall only apply to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws. In that regard, and to the maximum possible extent, the relevant provision shall be deemed modified exclusively to the minimum necessary to render the provision enforceable in a way that serves to achieve the purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision. 


Last update: June 2023

© Salto Systems, S.L., 2023. All rights reserved.