
Create a secure environment to ensure quality and replicability

24/7 security to protect intellectual property and equipment

Streamline efficiency to deal with increased demand

Stiftung Blindehheim Mühlehalden Zürich, Switzerland.
Privatklinik Oberwaid (Kurhotel) St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Hôpital du Jura Delémont / Porrentruy / Saignelégier / Moutier, Switzerland.
Kliniken Valens Valens / Walenstadt / Walzenhausen / Chur / St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Peninsula Health Mornington Peninsula, Australia.
Sunshine Coast University Hospital Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens Bordeaux, France.
Bon Securs Hospital Galway, Ireland.
Centro Investigacion Biodonostia San SEbastián, Spain.
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi ABU DHABI, undefined.
Summit Place Senior Living Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States of America.
Citizens Health Medical Center Kansas, United States of America.