위치: Nairobi - Kenya
프로젝트 유형: 코워킹
- 5
- +120
- +2,000
The Salto KS smart access platform is user-friendly, enabling us to manage member access effortlessly. The intuitive Salto KS access control app conveniently displays all the events information. Veritech – a Salto Business Partner – provides excellent support and maintenance, ensuring we have reliable local assistance whenever needed.
주요 이점
Salto KS is one of the most versatile cloud access control systems on the market today, offering ease of use. The system can be supported remotely, thereby allowing for quick problem-solving. Salto offers a wide range of products to suit clients' needs and expectations.
The Salto technology solution provided at the project.
확장 가능하며 유연한 클라우드 기반 스마트 출입 통제 솔루션으로, 업계 최고 수준의 실시간 기능을 갖췄습니다.