Ultimo Terraces
위치: Sydney - Australia
프로젝트 유형: 공유 주거 공간 - 기숙사
- 21
For us, the real benefit of the Salto KS system is that access is so easy to manage and change. Door access is such an important part of our service and we’ve been able to de-risk our processes and make ourselves more competitive.
주요 이점
SALTO KS is much more convenient for the students to use, and ensures that students always have rapid and easy access to their home away from home.
The Salto technology solution provided at the project.
확장 가능하며 유연한 클라우드 기반 스마트 출입 통제 솔루션으로, 업계 최고 수준의 실시간 기능을 갖췄습니다.