360 King Street
Plassering: Charleston, South Carolina - United States - United States of America
Prosjekttype: Bolig - Boligkompleks
- 12
The SALTO KS solution was a game changer for my property as it allows me, as an owner, to provide remote access to vendors, tenants, and visitors while also providing increased security throughout the building. Providing keyless entry locks is a must-have amenity in multi-family as tenants want to have immediate and secure access to their building and unit via their phone. The level of service SALTO associates provided prior to and during installation was first class. I will be utilizing SALTO solutions on all my properties going forward.
I’m excited to see how 360 King Street has transformed and we’re honored that Salto Systems was included in the renovation process. Eric Johnson's thoughtful investments in the building's design, physical spaces, and digital amenities have created an enhanced resident experience. It is rewarding to see residents unlock doors with a simple tap on their phones, granting remote access to visitors, and providing ongoing guest access to friends and family. 360 King Street is proof that residents don’t need to live in mid-rise buildings with hundreds of units to experience the best that apartment living has to offer.