Alun perin edullinen ja joustava asumisratkaisu kaupunkialueiden nuorille ammattilaisille, vuokra-asuminen on sittemmin kasvanut tarjoamaan erilaisia yhteisiä asumismahdollisuuksia uusille väestöryhmille. Mikä tahansa ympäristö, jossa ihmiset tulevat ja menevät säännöllisesti, asettaa turvallisuushaasteita sekä asukkaille että toimijoille.
At coliving spaces, there should be a balance between creating a thriving community and comfortable environment whilst ensuring a site is safe and secure. Very often, coliving businesses experience high resident turnover. Many coliving spaces also open their doors to their local neighborhoods as well as provide coworking spaces to non-residents. Therefore, flexible access for guests, social gatherings and shared facilities needs to be efficiently managed. Salto electronic access control supersedes the cumbersome nature of mechanical keys to address challenges faced by coliving businesses, to support safer, smoother and more sustainable coliving experiences.
To help achieve the right balance between community and privacy, and give residents peace of mind at the same time, coliving operators are taking advantage of Salto’s wire-free, seamless, and advanced-smart keyless security to create better coliving environments.
Parannettu asumiskokemus
Vuokra-asukkaat haluavat tuntea olonsa kotoisaksi, säilyttää yksityisyyden tunteen sekä nauttia yhteisen asumisen eduista.
Vuokra-asumisen maine johtaa haasteisiin yhteisön rakentamisessa. Samalla kun asukkaiden tottumuksia esimerkiksi työn ja elämisen suhteen kunnioitetaan, annetaan heille mahdollisuus jakaa yhteisiä tiloja, kuten pesutupa, autotalli, kuntosali, varasto ym. Oikeiden ihmisten pääsyn helpottaminen oikeaan aikaan ja heidän turvallisuutensa takaaminen auttaa asukkaita nauttimaan kodikkaasta ympäristöstä.
Advanced Salto access solutions unlocks those barriers. Residents can come and go more easily without the hassle of physical keys, with flexible and instant secure entry options via smartphones (iOS or Android), tags, PIN code or remote access.
Turvalliset ja suojatut yhteisöt
Flexibility and accessibility are central to successful, friction-free coliving. Learning what is shared and what isn’t helps residents enjoy the experience more. Automated access management establishes boundaries with residents, combining comfort with flexibility and a seamless experience. With Salto access control, users can customise their locks to suit their requirements. For example, residents can have 24/7 access to their individual rooms, whilst access to communal areas can be restricted by the property manager. To add a layer of security, attempted breaches trigger immediate alerts.
Salto’s strong, flexible, smart locks replace the hassle of physical keys, making it easier for residents and property managers to manage access. An audit trail tracks usage to improve the safety of residents, equipment, and assets. To enhance security using a centralised coliving management platform, the Salto platform integrates with CCTV, fire alarm and building management systems, including HVAC and lighting.
Helppokäyttöisyys, kattava toiminnallisuus
Hallitsitpa sitten yhtä tai montaa vuokrakohdetta, toimintaa voidaan yksinkertaistaa ja optimoida tarkalla, automatisoidulla kulunhallinnalla all-in-one-alustalla, joka integroituu olemassa olevaan kiinteistöjen hallintajärjestelmään.
Coliving operations are more effective with Salto. Permissions are easily adjusted as and when the community changes, and user credentials are remotely updated in real-time. Access issues are resolved across multiple sites, and maintenance, planning and daily activities are improved, such as rubbish collection, cleaning and deliveries.
Muuta moderni ja kestävä elämä todeksi
Salto helps coliving operators deliver modern sustainable living by reducing energy consumption and costs through leveraging the Internet of Things with connected devices, sensors, and cloud-networked applications. Additionally, residents can get a clear conscience of their environmental impact.
Tutustu vuokra-asumisen innovatiiviseen avaimettomaan kulkukokemukseen
Salto Systems provide the solution to best fit your business needs.